Tuesday, December 09, 2008

So much to knit, so little time!

Are you done with your holiday knitting yet?  Do you keep adding more projects to your list of gifts?  Mine keeps getting ridiculously long.  To the point that I am considering getting up at 4:30 or 5 every morning just to get some extra time in. I wasn't going to gift knitting to the TAs in my office,  but of course I changed my mind.  They are all getting wristwarmers or hats.  

 I haven't blogged in a long time because it takes up precious knitting time.  I am so excited tonight though that I can hardly go to sleep.  Why you ask?

Many reasons, and this photo shows one---This is Maya.  See what she is doing?  Knitting!  Maya is Fran's daughter, and she is knitting away on her first scarf. Check out the length of the scarf--she did this in about an hour, after she finished her homework, of course!  She even has her ball of yarn tucked into her backpack.  Very cool Maya!  Way to go!  

The next thing I am excited about is Sock Camp 09.  The first year it was called Camp Cockamamie, and I didn't find out about it early enough to go.  Last year, It was called Camp Crow's Feet, I went, and the rest of history.  This year, it is called Camp Knittyhaha.   Seriously, and even better, it is going to be held DURING SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So I am REALLY stoked!  It is going to be on Whidbey Island, I think.  More info will be sent out later, I can't wait!!! 

That's all for today.  I really need to blog a couple of times a week.  But dang it, it takes away from precious knitting time.  I promise to be a better blogger.  Seriously. It's "not that hard".  I have more photos from our knitting and the Garden, so I promise to post them next time, which will be soon.  Seriously.


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