Sunday, July 20, 2008

True Confessions

How many WIPs do you have? Really now, dig down in all of your hidden totes, stashes, behind your couch, in your deep freeze (yes, deep freeze) etc., drag them out, and count them.   I did this, and even TOOK PHOTOS. Here is what I will admit to, from the newest to the oldest projects. 
First, though, a couple of projects who were frogged for recycling.  I  don't think that that makes them actually COUNT as WIPs.  Or of course, UFOs.  To clear up another issue before delving any deeper here, this only takes into account those projects which currently live in my living room.  The yarn sanctuary doesn't count, it is like Switzerland for projects or yarn.  Nor does souvenir yarn count.  For instance, the yarn I 
bought in a frenzy power shop when I was in Providence for Carson's graduation while my husband was waiting in the car while I ran in for  "hand cream".  That is souvenir yarn.   Also the yarn (ahhhhhhh cashmere!)I bought in Italy.  Souvenir yarn again.  It is also could be considered in the category of "decorations" for the living room.  If it never gets knitted, that is OK.  

The orangish pink yarn is Firebird STR, from last year's Sock club. It was actually 
knitted into socks, I didn't like them, and I frogged them. The green yarn is from this year's Sock club's March shipment. I had trouble with it turning 
into the "Lucky" pattern so it also was frogged. The are queued up now for socks, in the on-deck basket.
This scarf was started Summer 07 in two colors of Jitterbug.  It will take forever t finish.

Next comes this sock, cast on July 19, soon to be "Spring Forward" socks to be gifted to a friend in Show Low. This pattern was on,
 designed by a fellow Camp Crow's Feet sock camper, Linda Welch. I will show more photos of them as they progress. They will be a fast knit.  Uh, er, it is now in the time out corner.  It is Wildfoote yarn by Brown Sheep.  I am spoiled and hooked on Sock That Rock.  This just doesn't measure up.

This is a nursing shawl that I just finished for Aimee. It is a 50-50 wool-cotton blend. Not too wide, not too narrow. Even though each row was charted, it was an easy-ish knit.

Amazing how these all look better here than in my bag at the foot of my chair. 
These socks are in Cascade Fixation and for my mom. They are Cat Bordhi's Sky sockitecture, and they are almost done!!!Wooo-hooo!!!

Ahhh, and behold the Monkey KawKaw sock in progress.
This colorway was designed by Tina of Blue Moon fame especially for Club Crow's Feet last April. We all received a skein at camp. One clever fellow camper thought tha
t it would look good in the Monkey sock pattern (by CookieA) that you can fi
nd here. Hence, they have become "the Monkey KawKaw" socks. They are now done!   Woo Hoo!

Now we are jumping back to summer of 07. This scarf is actually a completed object in my basket o' unfinished objects AKA, the "time 
out" area. It is ready for gifting. None of its neighbors are ready though...

This scarf is lime green and eggplant alpaca from 
Alpaca With a Twist.  It is a modular design, you never cut the yarn.  Only problem now is that it was so long ago that I was knitting on it, I will probably have a hard time figuring out how to start up again.

This is an alpaca shawl that I started summer of 07.  It is from Blue Sky Alpacas.  All it needs to be finished is a picot edging that is picked up and knitted all around.  I don't know why I haven't actually finished it.  I'm just not that into it.  It was abandoned. :(  Poor little alpaca shawl (sniff, sniff).

Another view of the Colinette Jitterbug scarf.  Oh,  it is soo short.  Why doesn't the knitting fairy finish it at night for me???????

This is a front of a modular sweater that I started so long ago.  I'm not even sure HOW long ago.  Maybe 3 years?  I actually have the fronts and back done, had it all together and knitted some sleeves, but they just didn't work.  So I ripped it apart.  I have some pewter buttons I found for it somewhere in my travels.  I know that one morning I will just wakeup and pick it up and finished within a couple of days.  There are just so many other yarns calling my name, though.

This unfortunately isn't the end of the list.  However, this is about all that this computer program will allow me to post though.  Yes, there are still a couple that are older than this (grin).  I will put them in another post.  

Christmas in July!

I always read about people who concentrate their July knitting on Christmas gifts. I can never get into this because it is 115 degrees outside in July, which quashes my desire to knit. For some reason, I always want to start new things in July, which is definitely not something that I need to be doing. However, it is always refreshing to see that someone has actually completed something for Christmas in July.

Here is our mystery knitter with a "jabot" type scarf---the hole in the scarf makes it stay nicely around the neck---but she finished more than this one today---

Here she is again, this Mysterious Knitter wearing a scarf with Large Balls, henceforth known as The Scarf With Large Balls. Guess who the Mystery Knitter is and you win a potato taco!!!

Stay tuned for my true confessions about exactly how many WIP's (works in progress) I have going. I am actually embarrassed to see how many there are. All will be shown in my next post!

Happy Knitting!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Big Monkey for the Little Guy

Here is the Little Guy today after his 2PM feeding. Ready to get the UV light turned back on. His bilirubin is still high, so he still has to be under the UV light. They gave him a different light today, it provides a much greater surface area and will hopefully help him to return to normal levels faster than the other light. His color is actually much better than when I first met him on Tuesday. He up to 2 ounces of formula today. He was visited by the speech pathologist and passed all of his tests with flying colors. These tests are done to assess any developmental problems and are all centered around the sucking reflex. It also is used to determine if he can move on to the bottle and/or breast. Tomorrow he will be visited by the physical therapist. We are all taking an infant CPR class tomorrow. Tune in tomorrow for an update!

Here is Jackson's Big Monkey and his matching blanket. He needs a name (the monkey, not the Little Guy). Hmmmm....George is too obvious. Is Queck a possibility? (inside joke) He looks serious in this photo. He is visiting my office. Let's have a naming contest. Leave me a comment with your ideas. The winner will get a hat or scarf custom knitted for you in whatever color you desire. Unless of course, you ARE a knitter, in which case I will do a stash dive in my "Yarn Sanctuary" (aka extra bedroom) for you.

He is praying that someone will come up with the perfect name, because he's pretty sure he doesn't want to be named Queck.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

The future's so bright I gotta wear shades

Every day he is a little better. He is tolerating his feedings a bit better, no throwing up this evening. He is cooking under the light to help his bilirubin, hence the eye mask. The neonatologist likes to draw eyes and glasses on them. Pretty cute little guy!

Monday, July 07, 2008

Someone new to knit for!!!

I am going home from Show Low tomorrow to meet this little guy. His name is Jackson James Dunn and he was born on Monday, July 7 @ 5:57AM. He weighs 6lbs. 14 oz. and is 20 inches long.

And here are his proud parents, Aimee and Clint Dunn. You can be sure that Jack will have many cute knitted things. More photos later---

Sunday, July 06, 2008

The Sixth of July

AAhhhhhhhhhhhh the Fourth of July+2. I am a little late, but as you can see my blog got a makeover, thanks to Calliope. Click on her button below---she does wonderful work, and quickly, too!

I don't have a photo yet, but this morning, Clint and Aimee had one of these:

but in the boy flavor. This cutie is Taylor and she is loved by knitters and non-knitters alike. Clint and Aimee have Jackson James, who will also be loved by knitters and non-knitters alike. I don't have a photo of him yet but will post the real thing as soon as I get one, probably sometime tonight. Everything went fine, in fact, rather quickly. They didn't expect him until the 22nd or later, but the heat adds an extra stressor and I guess a lot of women deliver a bit early during the heat of the summer. When it is 115 outside, it is no fun being pregnant.

I am still in Show Low and will be heading home day after tomorrow, Tuesday. Back into physical therapy Wednesday, and knitting at Papa San on Sunday. Hope to see you there!