Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Christmas 2010 AND The Knitting Olympics.

Rachel is already knitting for future gift giving occasions, i.e. Christmas 2010. These are washcloths she is making--the pattern follows. She says they are quick and you have to pay just enough attention to cure any boredom that might pop up. Great idea---

Rachel's Washcloth Pattern
Row 1: Sl Kwise, (P2, K1) to end
Row 2: Sl pwise, (K2, P1) to end
Row 3:Knit

I like this pattern, it would make a nice boy-hat.

FRIDAY is the day! The start of the 2010 Winter Olympics and the KNITTING OLYMPICS. Yes, Virginia, there is a Knitting Olympics. Go to
and sign up. The rules are listed there, but in a nutshell, you pick a project, and cast on when they light the flame in the opening ceremonies. Your goal is to be done when the flame is extinguished at the closing ceremonies. Yarn Harlot lists all of the rules on her website.

I am knitting the Shoalwater Shawl out of some yummy handyed merino/cashmere/silk that was a Christmas gift from Christmas 2009. It will be perfect for this and I can't wait to start. But, I do have to wait. You can swatch before the flame is lit (it is like training for your event), but you can't cast on until afterwards. Join up!

Anyone interested in Knitting this weekend? Monday?

Knit onward.

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