Saturday, January 16, 2010

Wow! Two Posts in One day!

This is Louisa's finished Big Sea scarf in a wave pattern with drop stitches. It is really pretty--the photo is a little dark but you can still see the waves. Very nice Louisa!

Do you know about the craziness of socks? It is an extremely addictive type of knitting. Fits into your purse. Done on crazy little needles, 0, 1, or 2. Anywhere from 14,000 to 18,000 stitches per pair. Sure, you may say we are crazy now, but watch out for the suction of the sock. You may just want to cross over to the dark side with the rest of us. Here is Helen, who swore she would never knit socks. Hey, what is that thing stuck on your toes???

Watch this space for sock updates!

1 comment:

tapmouse said...

Did I miss the said, "Going to the Gyno" scarf, or is it the wave one? Looks like you were all having some good fun and you are doing a good job corrupting non-sock knitter w/ SOCK temptation!