She came to live with Carson and I in May of 1993. Sunday, she was 16 years and 5 months when she left us. She outlived the odds in a big way. When she was 6, Tang came to live with us. He was a kitten. As you can see, Snuggy trained him well. They did a lot of things together, like taking catnaps, or dognaps.
If you roll you cursor over the title, it will link you to my Flickr page with more photos.
SometimesSnuggy got more of the birthday treats than Tang.

They posed for photos. Without being bribed with treats, sometimes.
They posed for photos. Without being bribed with treats, sometimes.
Snuggy always had a favorite chair to sit in, or to nap in, in this case. They took cat/dog naps anywhere they wanted, frequently.
Snuggy was my best friend. She left us suddenly, for which I will always feel responsible. The life expectancy for a Cairn Terrier is 14 to 16 years. Even with her diabetes, she way outlived her days.
She loved to go places, anyplace, as long as she was with us. Here she is
at the tide pools on Point Loma. She visited the Dog Beach on
Coronado several times. She hated taking a bath, but she loved to get in the ocean.
Snug, I miss you, Carson misses you. We have holes in our hearts the size of Texas. Tang misses you. I come home from work and it is so very, very quiet. Tang begging for treats, but no rattling of your tags. I miss your begging for treats, to go for a walk, and in the last of your days, even the confusion you were in. I read on the Peaceful Paws website that a dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself . Thank you Snuggy for loving me and Carson. We will love you always and miss you forever.
1 comment:
What a wonderful tribute. What a doll, too! thanks so much for sharing.....
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