Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Have You Seen DeeDee?

OK, you simply MUST COME TO KNITTING ON SUNDAY!!!  It is a mandatory meeting.  If you don't come we will send the knitting police out to find you and drag you and your knitting to Papa San!  I am so serious that I am even going to call Papa San and RESERVE THE ROOM to make sure no nursing students steal it out from under us.

In case you didn't know, DeeDee is going to Northern Iraq to teach English to Kurdish women who are getting ready to go to the University.  Women have not been allowed to go to school until recently, and there are many of them who are now ready for the University, but must learn English first.  Because of her travel experiences, Dee Dee was asked to go for 7 months.  She will be leaving within 2 weeks.  Please come to knitting to see her off as only Knitters can do!  

***Roll your cursor over the title, and you will be taken to a link that you can watch to see photos that she will post during her trip.  The password for this web page is deedee (of course!).  Some of you who went to Europe and couple of years ago will remember the cover photo.  You can go to this map to see where she will be.  The star shows the town where the University is located and she will be in a village near this town.   PLUS___________If you look at the right side of my page here, you will see a section titled under my hit counter called "My favorite links".  You can click on  "Have You Seen DeeDee" and it will take you to her web page, magically!  Want to learn more about Iraq and it's culture?  DeeDee sent me this---  go to, then to online databases, and then to culturegrams.  You can look up any country--it is very interesting.

Hope to see you at Papa San on Sunday!!!

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