Friday, February 15, 2008

It's About Time!!!

Geezzz... a lot of time has passed since I last posted. I have been trying to use iWeb but I am getting more and more frustrated with it. I decided to come back to blogger again and see how it goes here...

There has been a lot of knitting going on. I have some new knitters with first projects, experienced knitters with new projects, and gifted knits from Christmas past. Read on!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lekki has just finished her hat, in less than a week! Way to go! Who is that in the background knitting behind you? Hmmm....looks like something in red??? Is she wearing scrubs???

And here is Leonda, who is a whiz at all things crafty, AND she was my wonderful Elph in Black this year! She did a scarf and hat in no time--she also did a capelet but my photo didn't turn out nearly as well as the capelet.

These are Salad Wristers knitted by Kathleen, my very artistic TA! Roll your cursor over Salad Wrister on the line above and it will lead you to the link and pattern. They are verrryyy cute. And check out her nails in Cibola colors--very spirited!

Now, for not new knitters with projects (better than saying "old knitters", correct?) Here is Fran AKA "Grasshopper" modeling Barb's Capelet and here she is modeling her shrug and another capelet--I think she may have knitted this one. Or else we asked her to model it because she is so good at it--

And here is Linda in (I think) some of her yarn from Florence---I know it's Linda, it's the yarn I'm not sure about, after all, we did do a yarn crawl across Italy last spring--

Boein's socks don't want to upload now, for some reason. Maybe because it is midnight and my contacts are filmy? I will try them tomorrow.

And here is the mystery knitter for this post---hiding behind Boein's socks knitted out of Colinette's Jitterbug. I believe his mom has a matching pair, too. Perhaps we can get a photo of his feet and moms to post later?

My next post will be about Christmas gifting. I have a bunch of photos of things i knitted for presents this past Christmas. And I have other ideas lurking in the back of my mind...............until then, happy knitting!

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