Monday, April 19, 2010 out for the's addictive...........

Okay, so Shirley Weber and I (also The Rice Czar, can't leave Mr. Bill out) were at knitting last Sunday. Shirley was asking about a pattern for some scarf yarn she wants to knit up. So I told her about this pattern and this yarn I bought at Purls in Tucson (when I was ummmmmm..........chaperoning the HOSA students at their state competition/convention. The male chaperone took over so I could have a break). It is Bamboo by Southwest Trading Company. It's one of those things that one of the ladies in the store was wearing, I overheard her telling another knitter that every time they got this yarn in Boom! they sold out. She had this scarf on in this colorway. So, being of weak constitution, of course I bought it. And another skein, different colorway. When I got home I cast on, and OMG, watch out, it is super addictive. Maybe moreso than the Ewe. Any kind bamboo yarn would work, you need a yarn with a soft, drapey-hand. Louisa did a scarf like this with bigger yarn. You can see it here, just scroll down to Jan. 16.I will bring it on Sunday. I am knitting it on size 5 needles. It is listed as a size 3 yarn which is DK or lite worsted, I think. Watch out for this scarf, it will beckon to you....................must.....................cast..........on............................

Saturday, April 10, 2010

It is getting hot.

Summer is almost here. And for lots of us, a break from school. The photo above shows my projects for the Knitting Olympics. At 12 is a pair of toe-up no-purl Monkeys for Karen. I had to re-knit from the ankle up because something strange happened to them in the too-tight department. They are in Tide Pooling BMFA STR ltwt. Going clockwise, those are toe-up no-purl Monkeys from my mom in Bella Coola, BMFA STR ltwt. They had the same mysterious ailment that Karen's Monkeys had. Some kind of Monkey-dysfunction, undoubtedly caused when I got my new Signature DPNs and switched over in the middle of the sock. I had to tink both pair back to the lifelines for the legs and reknit. Next around the clock are my Queen of Beads in the colorway My Blue Heaven, BMFA STR ltwt from the RSC Club last year. I had one almost done, the second one went really fast. And no, the beads to not bother you when you wear them. Last on the clock are some socks for my mom--one of Cat's patterns from her Insouciant book. They are in a rare gem that I bought at Camp last year.

Speaking of Camp, I am missing it this year. They have 2 sessions this year. The first session is on right now, it runs from Thursday to Tuesday and the second session follows starting Tuesday of this next week. No way that I could go this year. Work has been too cray and both sessions fell after break, I just couldn't justify it, plus we have no subs this year. And I have no LPN, and I do miss Bertha. So, as a consolation prize, I have booked myself on a Knitting Cruise---from July 9-19 in the Baltic Sea. It leaves from Copenhagen then cruises on to Warnemunde Germany for a day trip to Berlin, then on to Tallin (Estonia), St Petersberg, Helsinki, Stockholm, Kiel (Germany), and back to Copenhagen. I spend an extra day in Copenhagen before the tour starts. Classes are taught while at sea, and at each port there is an organized yarn crawl if you like. And I do like:)