Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ooohhhh. Ahhhhh. Ooohhh. Qiviut.......Qivuk......

Yuuummmmmmmyyyyyyy! Maybe better than Cashmere? This is Qiviuk, also called Qiviut (pronounced Kiv-ee-uk or Kiv-ee-ut, long u) from Alaska. My brother and sister in law went on an inside passage cruise this summer. I emailed him telling him that if he ran across any yarn stores to see if they had any Qiviut. They happened across this store in Skagway, Alaska. They sell garments made of it, and this yarn. Each skein is 217 yards. Believe or not, it is softer than cashmere(oh be still my heart!) I will let you pet them for a brief moment, so as not to create a Qiviut addiction in you. Warning: it is an incurable addiction and an expensive habit, but ohhhhhhhhh soooo soffffffffttttttttt.

What I have in mind for both are scarves. Pattern TBD. I don't stray from Blue Moon Fiber Arts too often, but when I do, Omigosh do I stray. And how about this for a cool brother and sister in law? They can yarn shop for me anytime!

And speaking of people who can shop for me anytime, let's add Aimee to the list! This 1224 yards of handspun bliss is 2!0% cashmere, 30% silk, and 50% merino. It has a little heather fleck in it. I finally discovered what it wants to be and I wound it into ready to knit cakes. It will be a Shoalwater shawl. I can't wait to get started on it! The colors are so pretty, it begs to be done for the fall.

See you next time!