Sunday, August 21, 2005

August 21, 2005

We are all back and knitting away! We are all working on different projects and planning what we want to do next. A couple of us are finishing up our Charlottes and will be glad when they are done! We are thinking about our next group project, looks like several people are interested in Kool-Aid dyeing, so that may be the direction we take. So much creativity, so little time. Day jobs have a way of cutting into our knitting time. If anyone wants to check out the Kool-Aid website that we were talking about, click on the dateline on this post and it will lead you to the Knitty site with dyeing info. It has all kinds of great information, including the colors that each flavor makes.

DeeDee and Linda are prolific knitters--here are there loopy scarves, as well as DeeDee's multi-color bag that she designed hersef. Linda has a pair ofsocks on the table too.

Fran is having a great deal of fun with her loopy scarf. Yes!!!It is fun!!! Even when you rip it out and start again!!!

Deb and Sarah are one of our mother-daughter teams. Sarah is showing her cool fingerless gloves. She is leaving next week to go back to college in northern Arizona, where her hands will be nice and toasty. They are both wearing the feather and fan shawl/scarf that Deb made out of a kid/mohair blend. Maybe when Sarah goes back to college she can email photos of what she is working on and I can post it here. Good luck with classes Sarah!

When we get together it seems like time just whizzes by and before you know it, it is 4:30. It really boosts your creativity to see how others interpret a pattern with their own colors and yarns. We feed off of each other's creativity. Can't wait for next time!